S23 is an oral selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). The drug was originally developed by GTX Inc. as a male hormonal contraceptive. It has a high affinity for the androgen receptor with a Ki value of 1.7 nM. A study published by Jones et al. compared the effectiveness of S23 in castrated and uncastrated male rats.
Effects of S23 on Fertility
In a study of intact male subjects treated with S23 and estradiol benzoate (to maintain sexual activity), sperm was not found in the testes of 4 of 6 subjects after 10 weeks. Furthermore, none of the six experimental animals reported pregnancy. After treatment, infertility was completely reversible; all subsequent mating trials resulted inpregnancy.
Effects of S23 on Muscle Mass and Body Fat
In addition, another study showed that S23 may be effective against muscle loss caused by long-term use of glucocorticoids. This study also investigated the effects of S23 on castration-induced muscle atrophy. Muscle loss was observed in both cases, but administration of S23 and testosterone blocked dexamethasone-induced Akt dephosphorylation. The results suggest that S23 may be an effective treatment for glucocorticoid-induced muscle loss. Concentration
20 pg/vl.